Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Skinny Swedish Pancakes (Guest Blog Post)

This is such an amazing post for so many reasons!  First, this is my 100th blog post!  And on May 20th, this will be my blogs one year anniversary!  Yet there are other reasons why this blog post is so amazing, it's my first guest blog post!  And who could the honorary blogger be?  No one other than my mom!  I grew up watching her cook and even though she never taught me how to cook, she supplied me with my first cookbooks and is part of my inspiration.  With no further ado, here she is in her first blog post on The Ginger Cook:

Hi!  I am honored to be The Ginger Cooks first guest cook.   I want my 15 minutes (or in this case 15 seconds of fame too).

As part of Katherine’s college graduation weekend we attended the Les Voyageur Sunday brunch celebration. There is where I was introduced to Swedish Skinny Pancakes and it was love at first sight.

I went home and search the Internet for a recipe.  I found a perfect one that I adapted slightly to my taste.  I tried the recipe the following Saturday while Katherine slept and surprised her with breakfast in bed.

Swedish "Skinny" Pancakes

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of skim milk
  • 3/4  cup flour
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • ½  teaspoon salt
  1. Beat eggs.  Then add milk, flour, sugar and salt, mix together.  
  2. Put oil on griddle and warm before pouring batter on. 
  3.  Flip once, pancake is done when batter has set and top is brown.  
  4. Top warm pancakes with butter and cinnamon-sugar mixture.

  • At the brunch the pancakes were served with homemade strawberry preserves and whipped cream.  The pancakes are so thin the preserves and whipped cream can be folded right into the prepared pancakes.
  • At the brunch the pancakes were made ahead and kept warm in a Crockpot.   

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